Friday, June 24, 2011

Creative Block Demons

Haven't written here in a while. You know what they say, "no news is good news" right?

Got myself an awesome boyfriend.


I never thought I'd find someone so awesomely awesome, but he truly is special. I've been so happy that I haven't felt the need to post at all here in my "emo" blog. :)

I miss him like crazy, can't wait until he comes to visit me!!

In other news, I've been playing way too much Pokemon, but I'm feeling the itch to do something creative. Not sure WHAT to do yet. I really want to start writing again, which is kinda why I'm posting here in the first place. It's kinda funny, I'm noticing that my typing has become so much faster since I last did "serious" writing. (and by serious, I mean hilarious :P) But since my ex was last in my life, I haven't felt like writing much because he was a writer too, and took himself reallllly seriously, and thought that he was supposed to be the best writer of all time and all that pretentious jazz. So he was kind of a downer when he read anything I wrote. In fact, he was such a downer whenever he saw any kind of art I made. He made me feel terrible about everything that came from my head. I'm good about creating when I'm at school, but at times like summer it's just tough to get any inspiration at all. I think I'll start small, with weaving magazines maybe, then work my way up to writing by collaging other people's words together. Then I'll spill out my own words, and come up with something I'm proud of.

Sounds like a pretty good plan, that I came up with just right now, haha. THIS is why writing is important, it helps me organize my thoughts.

Night blogger! Thanks for listening, as always. <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

emo blog is emo

Sometimes I wish I had someone I could call when I have trouble sleeping. :/
Can't stop thinking and I have a busy day tomorrow.
A year ago, stupid Chris would've been the only person I have to talk to. I'm SO glad that's not the case anymore, but I still kinda miss having a person I could call whenever I wanted. But I don't want to put that pressure or burden on anyone. Everyone is busy doing their own thing, including me.
I miss love. Love is a nice, distracting thing. I don't want it and want it all at the same time. Just like chocolate.
I'll be fine, it's just on clear warm nights like this that I get all introspective and romantic.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sometimes I forget that I'm human. Life is a strange rare thing, and sometimes I just get lost in observing my surroundings. I keep thinking about how weird is is that we're all here, that this is all happening, that we're all behaving in this manner of being. We were all born of stardust, and somehow we ended up this way. i don't know if I believe in a creator, or the big bang, I just know that it's crazy that we're all here in the first place. I don't know why, but we should all appreciate the time we have, and make it worth the while.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why is it always windy on days that I have to transport delicate neon over large distances???

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today in my science class, my teacher, who is a professional cosmologist and physicist, told us that in her class Pluto is still a planet.



This is why I keep my head in the clouds.

I think I'm quiet because there aren't always words to describe what I'm thinking about, or what I feel. I don't always think in words, I think in feelings, or general conceptual daydream clouds that float around in my head. So if someone asks me what I'm thinking about, its hard to descibe. I say "nothing," even though it's always something.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I wish there was a way I could easily catalogue every written thing I have written in my life. So I could just pick a time that I want to look back on and see everything in chronological order from that exact time. Everything that I've ever posted online, everything saved on my computer, every email I've sent, all the notebooks, diaries, sketchbooks that are lying around my house. I feel like I'm going to have to eventually put everything in order someday, I just wish I knew where to start, and the best way to do it.