Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'll never stop spinning once I make it to Texas...


=A pic I will photoshop, eventually...

Lemon Powered Gameboys!!


OK, now this is just ridiculous...

So I got invited to this group today... and people are now pretending to be Mark Zuckerberg (I can see the little thing under the "a"), and promising to switch back to the old facebook is x amount of people join. This is crazy! I can't believe so many people are falling for this...

Anyway, I'm listening to the Hydrogen Jukebox right now! I would have tuned in sooner, but I had class, and just realized it was on. Anyway, yeah, there's some pretty good music.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm still a little bit iffy on the genius feature, but...

...the new iTunes has generally made me satisfied!

The last visualizer kinda looks like a sperm though, I'm not gonna lie. It's so cute though... just groovin' to my music as it tries to make it's way down the fallopian tube.

Giant Radioactive Rubber Pants!!

So today in class, I learned how to draw on music, and turn sound into moving images. (We hacked the data! Woo! :D) Also, everyone got their computers to mess up by downloading a program made by this artist. (The picture of my computer messed up is in the previous post. Don't worry, my MacBook is perfectly fine!) In my other class, we learned about the 1st amendment, and other laws related to journalism.

Fun stuff... except for the whole caffeine overdose that made me feel like dying.

This is the only way I can describe part of how I felt: "Invader's blood marches through my veins... like, giant radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!"

Also, I would get the feeling of going up in an elevator... while I was on the ground. It was kind of amusing to my friend, Jasmyne, when I would randomly grab onto things to keep my balance... when we were sitting down in the Corner Bakery eating lunch.


I'm never having coffee ever again! It makes the ground move, and when I speak I emphasize the wrong words in my sentences!!!

And I generally feel really sick right now...

Like this:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Facebook drama...

There are so many facebook groups that promise the same thing: that Mark Zuckerburg will change facebook back permanently. Unfortunately, I have reason to believe that these are scams, as I don't really wanna join ten groups that all promise the same thing. It's just like the "ZOMG LET'S SEE HOW MANY PPL CAN JOIN DIS GROUPP!!11!!!!1!one!!eleven!!!" fad. In fact, I believe that it's the same exact thing. *sigh* Someone has to go around and delete all those.

These groups are all so annoying, like it's "cool" to hate the new facebook. Arg, I think I'm going to just stop caring... and deal with the new facebook. The information may be all jumbled and ill-presented to me, but at least the information is there. And it does have some cool new features, like the weird "live feed," which makes it more stalker-ish.

I just don't want my wall in my feed. Get out of there! Shoo! Go back to the bottom where you belong!!

This group is particularly suspicious... " we can get teh 5,000,000 we need to get the good o facebook back permanitly cause the creater promissed me (casue i know him and i got connections if u know what i mean) so plz plz plz plz invite friends and join this group"

I know this is a little old, but... HOW IS BABBY FORMED??

Epiphany as I roll back into the dorm at 4:25 AM...

For the first time since I got here, I have realized this: I can do whatever the fuck I want!! :D

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Politics, A Short Play

(lights up on facebook)

Karina: (status update) Karina likes her bacon sans spiders, thank you very much.

Will: i dont know, i think you're asking a bit much.

Karina: would you eat bacon if it had spiders crawling around on it??

Will: "i want my bacon with out spiders! i want my bacon without asbestos! i want my bacon not contaminated by radiation!" puhlease. all you do is want, want, want.

Karina: :( Sorry, it's just that bacon doesn't usually COME with spiders... I didn't mean to cause such a commotion!

Will: says who!?? i believe in a world where bacon AND spiders can live together as brothers and sisters. that's why i'm voting for barack obama/ biden for president.

Karina: i believe in obama's policy's, just not the one where he supports the bacon-spider unity. maybe i should vote for mccain/palin, since they support the segregation of spiders and bacon?

Will: yeah, you'd think that.. but did you know that john mccain has voted against bacon 90% of the time??

Karina: WHAT?? I don't BELIEVE this... he's pro-spider????? :O



I noticed that Will posted this on his tumblr, but then deleted it! So I posted it here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

What I learned in class today...

"All film actors eventually commit suicide." -The exact words of my film teacher, Jon.


I got the old facebook back! Somehow, I felt immensely relieved to see such a familiar layout... where I know exactly where to find everything, and my profile looks exactly the way I want it to look.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


In my class, we're doing a project called "form to abstraction". I started with a still life of a phone, and this is the first of 12 drawings in which I have to make the phone even more and more abstract. By the end, it should look a lot more like this:

But yeah, unlike what I originally thought, an artist doesn't just put a bunch of lines and colors on a canvas and call it "art." I've learned that they actually go through a process, by starting with one image (like a tree) and ending up with something completely different (like the piece by Piet Mondrian above).

So yeah... there's your art lesson of the day!


Yeah, so Ox-bow was pretty fun. The best part was the jam session... with my teacher! And other students! At midnight!

The worst part was finding a spider in my bacon this morning...

I'm never having bacon again! X(

In other news, the big exciting event of NANOWRIMO is approaching ever so fast. It's only a month and a half and a way, and I feel like I should start planning my novel already. Or maybe I can just wing it this year... hmmmmmm. OR, I should even start thinking about whether or not I should even DO NaNo this year!


I didn't think about that for long. I definitely have to do it. Hells yeah, I'm gonna write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days! I just can't wait to get all stressed out about homework, and classes, and NaNo, and (if I get a job) work! I can't wait to go around the corner and have my intense writing sessions with a cup of tea and my Mac Book Pro. I can't wait to complain about how stressed I'm making myself, on purpose! I can't wait to meet all the Chicago people who are going to be writing all at the same time!!!

Man, I get waaay too easily excited... I think I almost 'gasmed because of it. That's how much I love writing. And NaNoWriMo.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Greetings from nowhere!

I kinda forgot, but my blogs birthday was last Thursday!! Happy birthday Defenstration Masquerade! Oh, and right now I am blogging from my iPod touch in Saugatuck, Michigan, because I'm at a little place called Ox-bow for the weekend. Very, very interesting place so far.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My speakers for my computer pick up radio signals! AND IT'S NOT A RADIO!!!

This is especially annoying when I want to listen to music on them, but instead I'm listening to 2 different songs at once...

Sometimes they actually sync up, but other than that, I just want to listen to my music... on my speakers... radio signal free...

Sunday, September 7, 2008



I'll have a tall mocha latte, with extra angst and a pump of nostalgia, please.

September has never been a good month for me.

It's a cursed month, cursed by he-who-must-not-be-named (and I am not referring to a Harry Potter character here...) How do I describe this curse? Well, I guess it's like "that time of the month" except this time it's "that time of the year." If I could, I would erase September forever. Today marks that day when the whole drama started, somewhere around 7 or 8 pm to be exact (I hate my stupid excellent memory). I've wished, even regretted, this memory many times, hoping that I could go back and change it. Even though I gave myself a brief "happiness" for about 2 years, it still doesn't change the cursed unhappiness that hits me every time September rolls around, year after year. And is 2 years even worth it? I’m going to live, hopefully, for a very long time, and 2 years is just one little blip in my life, just one episode. I've heard all kinds of advice, ranging from "don't have regrets" to "don't be angry at him" but how can be anything but regretful, sad, and angry? This September is a lot different, mainly because I don't have the comfort of familiar friends to distract me from this annual curse. Everyone’s in a different part of the world now, and the new friends I'm making don't know anything of the thing that bothers me, which has left me many sleepless nights. Perhaps I should keep them in the dark? Maybe if I just stop thinking about it, stop dwelling on it, then it's as if it never happened? I know I can't change the past, but there are things that I have repressed before. If only I could willingly repress whatever events I wanted, I think things would be easier to deal with, and maybe I'd be an inch happier.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been busy busy busy! For now, I would like to say that I'm REALLY pissed off at the CTA right now, and if it weren't for my U-Pass, I would boycott them.