Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh Linda...

Today I got the DEATH stare from this cashier lady at Target. She just looked at me as my parents and I checked out, and her look was all like "I hate you so fucking much..."

I didn't even do anything to her!

Anyway, I have a feeling that this lady doesn't have too many good days. So, if you ever see Linda in the Highland Park Target, just be nice to her. Then maybe she'll stop giving people the death stare.

Friday, August 29, 2008


So I've been at SAIC for a week, and it has been pretty awesome so far. Chicago is amazing! The red line always has musciens playing a variety of instruments, even instuments I can't name. A cute guy from greenpeace tried to recruit me today, but I got away before he could get my credit card number. As much as I love the environment, I didn't know if I can trust them. Also, I'm an ART STUDENT! I don't have money!! I eat easy mac and jell-o for dinner! (Well, sometimes Talya and I can cook something nice, but not too often now that classes have started.) Anyway, I love living in the dorm, I'll post pics once I get batteries for my camera. My phone doesn't ring when people call, so I've decided to pick up at random times and answer. So now I'm waiting for my mom to come and pick me up, because I'm way to tired to take the train home; I might fall asleep and someone may have their way with me! :O So until next time, my friends. Remember to link to the comments, and leave me a memorandum. Ta ta!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I JUST found out that MY name has been used in TWO separate Harry Potter fan fictions!!! The first one I found during a simple google search, but yesterday, (I get email notifications whenever my name shows up in a google search) I found out that there's a new Harry Potter fan fic, with ME as a character!! AND guess what else??? It's written in GERMAN!!!


What's more, is that whoever created this fan fic, they ALSO made fan art on photobucket, which I also found with the google notification thing. Check this out:

I can't understand it at all, but I'm guessing that the "Karina" character hooks up with Sirius Black...

I'm going to use some kind of translator, and try to read the whole thing. XD

Oh, how I love the internet...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why I'm not going to be a professional violinist:

why I was never really good at violin...


Just a heads up: I'm going to change my blog URL soon, to something relatively similar to what it is now. I'm also going to make it public again, so that people don't have to sign up for a google account just to look at it.

I'll post the link on my facebook profile, so look there when the current link doesn't take you here anymore, or just email me and ask.


she even stole my blog's color scheme...
I was gonna be the first famous person to be known as "Karina." But someone else named Karina got there first...

Edit: AND she's younger than me!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How un-conceptual of me.

So, I can't sleep once again, and realized that I haven't posted in a while. So in order to sooth the weird pressure headache that I've been having all day, here's some exciting news/stuff!!

I wrote a play the other day, my 4th one. So now I've got 3 that I'm willing to perform in a series, on one night. But FIRST I need actors, a co-director, tech people, scene/prop people, and the most important thing: I need to know if I can actually produce the plays at SAIC.

My plays aren't exactly "conceptual"... and I know that they don't really have a theater department, just a "performance art" department. But they have a stage, so shouldn't I be able to use it? It's gonna be hard to find actors, since people don't really go to SAIC for acting, but I'm keeping my hopes up, and praying that some will be interested in taking part in helping produce these 3 plays.

So if anyone knows anything about this kinda thing, let me know. If anyone has a cure for my weird pressure headaches, let me know. If anyone can recommend a good sleeping drug, let me know.

Goodnighty night.

Edit: I changed the fonts!!! Tell me how you like/hate them!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ugh... stomach exploding...

Someone please remind me never to consume falafel and strawberry lime jones soda at the same time...


Monday, August 4, 2008


Friday, August 1, 2008


Look very carefully...