Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Yay, it's Tuesday again! Tuesday is such a dull day, just like November is a dull month... if you don't participate in National Novel Writing Month! If only I could write a novel once a week on Tuesdays... now that's an idea. See THIS SITE for more details!

Today in school I learned about how the human race is doomed. I also learned that the Mayan calendar predicted that the world would end in the year 2012. Then I had an idea to fly off and risk my life to save the rain forest, because it might somehow save the human race in the long run. then I found out that people already have died trying to protect the rain forest, and they still won't stop destroying it just because it makes good money.

I feel so insignificant sometimes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Anyone reading this yet? Give me a hug!

I wish they still had audioblogging... that was SO much fun! I found a site where you can make audioblogs, but it costs a monthly fee. Maybe I'll just find a way to add my own sound files to this blog? I wanna bring back audioblogging the same way I brought back sexy. Or maybe I can just try a podcast, which might be easier. I've always wanted to have my own podcast, but no one wants to be my co-host, and I have no idea what I'd talk about. Any suggestions? Leave a hug!

I saw The Simpsons movie and Dragon Wars last weekend. The Simpsons movie was pretty funny, much more than I expected it would be. Now if they can add that same pizzazz to the TV show, they could bring it back. I suppose they are competing with other shows, like Family Guy... but The Simpsons is my childhood. I remember when I was only about 3 years old, and I kept saying "eat my shorts!" Yeah, that's why it should live on forever.

Dragon Wars... not as good as I expected. When I hear the title "Dragon Wars," I think of dragons battling each other, just like robots battle each other in Transformers. I didn't get my epic dragon battle until the very end, so I lost most of my interest until that point, and didn't enjoy the whole of it. There were cheesy lines, not so good special effects/animations. It might have been a better story if it were in book form rather than movie form. Being on the big screen didn't seem to serve it justice, but literature might do the job better.

I need to sleep now, but I also need to study for my AP Psych test. Decisions, decisions... I think I'll sleep and study tomorrow morning and during my free period. That means I can't help sell pizza, but oh well, I'm not good at selling things anyway!

Edit: For some odd reason, I've only been posting on Tuesdays... and I seriously did not plan that. So from now on, the magic posting day is tuesday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Waldo fucked me up, dude!

Okay, time for my first real post. No one's voted on the poll thingy, probably because no one knows about this. Some random thoughts in my head now:
  • My watch's battery died, so I need to get it replaced. I never know what time it is anymore.
  • I don't want to drink bottled water, because it's bad for the environment, but my mom always buys it. Stupid cognitive dissonance theory!
  • I'm blogging instead of doing my AP Pysch homework.
  • I want to use my .mac account more.
  • I feel as insecure this year as I did in junior high. I don't know why these stupid things are falling out of my mouth.
  • I don't wanna go to college. I just want a job, and a life.
Okay, enough of that. I really should be doing my psych homework. I'll end this post with the funniest video ever, of WALDO!


RIP for all those who lost their lives to the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New blog, yet again!

I've made so many blogs in the past... and they were all boring... so I made a new one! I'll try to make this one better. Umm... Yeah...
<-Take the poll!