Tuesday, April 12, 2011

emo blog is emo

Sometimes I wish I had someone I could call when I have trouble sleeping. :/
Can't stop thinking and I have a busy day tomorrow.
A year ago, stupid Chris would've been the only person I have to talk to. I'm SO glad that's not the case anymore, but I still kinda miss having a person I could call whenever I wanted. But I don't want to put that pressure or burden on anyone. Everyone is busy doing their own thing, including me.
I miss love. Love is a nice, distracting thing. I don't want it and want it all at the same time. Just like chocolate.
I'll be fine, it's just on clear warm nights like this that I get all introspective and romantic.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sometimes I forget that I'm human. Life is a strange rare thing, and sometimes I just get lost in observing my surroundings. I keep thinking about how weird is is that we're all here, that this is all happening, that we're all behaving in this manner of being. We were all born of stardust, and somehow we ended up this way. i don't know if I believe in a creator, or the big bang, I just know that it's crazy that we're all here in the first place. I don't know why, but we should all appreciate the time we have, and make it worth the while.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why is it always windy on days that I have to transport delicate neon over large distances???