Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My dilemmas...

When you have a thought, how do you know what to do with it?

You know that you want to share it with the world, but what website do you use?

There's so many different options. Facebook, twitter, blogs... I just don't know which to use for what thoughts anymore.

I don't feel like using the facebook status updates, because it's so hard to contain all my feelings into one little place, and all my friends have facebook and I don't want ALL of them knowing what I'm feeling.

Twitter is okay, but you only get 160 (?) characters, and I don't really have any friends using it anyway, so no one would see what I wrote.

Blogging has been my favorite option so far, since there really isn't a space limit, but I don't want to share TOO much personal stuff, just in case the wrong person gets the link to here.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

hahaha (amused)

Project: Memory

I've started something new. I'm not going to tell ANYONE what it's about though. The only thing you will know is that it is called "Project: Memory," and that it is going to be really cool, on so many different levels. But no one can know any details about it, for my own creative and artistic reasons. When it's done, you will know.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Get out of my mind, Facebook!!

Facebook used to be "a place for friends", now it's a place for sharing random shit.

Wait, hold on...

No, Myspace is the one that's "a place for friends," not Facebook.

FB hasn't changed my account to the new version yet, but from what I've heard from other people, it doesn't seem like a good idea. Here's a fun article about it that I found:


I think I'm going back to Myspace. THEY haven't changed their design or format in a really long time, maybe only ONE major change since I first joined, but right now it seems that Myspace is a lot simpler than Facebook right now.

Everyone was so upset over the last major FB change, it's just ridiculous that they want to keep trying new things! Why not keep it one way for a while, so that people can understand how to use it? It's nice that they want to experiment with new interfaces and whatnot, but I think that even the current version has a few problems with scripting. (Like, sometimes around midnight when you post something, on your feed it will say that it was posted "tomorrow")

I don't know, I just thought that Facebook's orginal plan was to make it easier for us to connect with our friends. Now it looks like they just want to copy things from other sites, like Twitter, and make a weird social hybrid machine.

Yeah, I think I'm going back to Myspace.

Who's with me?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Howdy Ya'all

I had the BEST time in Texas! Thank you everyone for asking, by the way.

So, it was kind of a shock being in nice weather for once. Coming from Chicago, I can't say I was disappointed by the 60-70 degree weather. Ahhhhhhhh... I want to go back so much! WHY on earth did I decide to go to school in Chicago? Oh right, my school has an excellent fine arts program...

The windy city needs to get that whole windy thing checked out. Maybe I can somehow convince my parents that I need to take a year off, or something. It would be nice to just get away from all the stress, spend some time with Chris, and maybe make some cool artwork while I'm there. That would be M-A-zing.

But that would never happen, my parents are forcing me to spend the next 3 years freezing my ass off and working until I die... I'm gonna try talking to them about it, but I know that they just want me to get through college as fast as possible, since it costs so much.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

iTunes Stats

I got this from Will's tumblr, and thought it might be fun. :)

Number of Songs: 5,670
Number of Albums: 1,249
Most Recently Played Song: It's Your World Now by The Eagles
Most Played Song: Hello by David Cook (Damn one of my teachers for getting it stuck in my head all last semester!!!)
Most Recently Added Album: Out of It by Brad Sucks

First Song Alphabetically: “A” by Barenaked Ladies
Last Song Alphabetically: “Zoot Suit Riot” by Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Smallest Song Numerically: “2 Frogs” by Five For Fighting
Largest Song Numerically: “2815 A.D.” by Thomas Newman (from the Wall-E soundtrack)
Shortest Song: “How's the Level?” by Barenaked Ladies (0:06) (There are some other shorter ones, but it's only because the CDs were all screwed up when importing)
Longest Song: “Diverse Systems of Throb (Continuous Mix)” by Bassnectar (1:19:37) (Lots and LOTS of techno...)

First Album Alphabetically: ‘ABBA - Gold - Greatest Hits’ by ABBA
Last Album Alphabetically: ‘Zooropa’ by U2

First Band Alphabetically: A-ha
Last Band Alphabetically: ZZ Top

First Ten Songs That Pop Up On Shuffle:

1. You'll See - Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, & Taye Diggs - RENT Soundtrack
2. Country Road - James Taylor - Best Of James Taylor
3. Dot - Destiny's Child - Charlie's Angels Soundtrack
4. Jefferson Aero Plane - Reliant K - Two Lefts Don't Make A Right...But Three Do
5. Get Your Regal On - Blockhead - Uncle Tony's Coloring Book
6. Afx237 V7 - Aphex Twin - Drukqs
7. You Do - Aimee Mann - Magnolia (soundtrack)
8. Great Provider - Barenaked Ladies - Maybe You Should Drive
9. Conventioneers - Barenaked Ladies - Rosemont, IL 11-16-06 (bootleg recording of concert I went to)
10. Then The Morning Comes - Smash Mouth - Astro Lounge

Now reblog this and fill it out yourself!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yes or No?

I have just realized that this is the worst possible question that anyone could ever ask anyone:

"Have you ever lied to me?"

I don't think anyone ever wants to be asked this question. Period.

Because both answers, yes or no, aren't good enough.

Yes would lead to "when did you lie to me? and about what?" And would cause a large decrease in trust.

No could just mean, "yes, I have lied to you, which is why I'm lying to you right now by saying yes."

But the thing is, if the question is being asked in the first place, then it means that the questioner has reason to believe that they have been lied to. And if they have good enough reason, then the answer to their question should be "yes" about 80% of the time.

I don't know... sometimes I think about weird things like this. :/ Just gives me more ideas for my writing I suppose.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

OMG! I have soooooo much shit to do... and I keep procrastinating! >.< Someone slap me and whip me until I finish it all!!!


I would like to officially thank all the people out there in the world who have such huge personalities. Because when I see or meet people like you on the street, or in certain food establishments, it fuels the inspirations for my writing. So here is my official thank you.


Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm tired of being forced to make artwork for my classes. I'm just so fucking sick of it. I had a meeting with my teacher for Core today, and he liked my idea, but wanted me to approach it from a different way. If I do that, then what I really want to do won't happen anymore.

Demonstrative vs. Illustrative

I'm supposed to be demonstrative, I have to demonstrate my idea. I can't be illustrative, I can't illustrate my idea. What the fuck? I have never heard these two terms in the art world, but this is the best way I can understand it in my own mind:

I think of something that would be a really cool idea for a project. I make it, and it's cool and everything, but it lacks the meaning and concept.

My teacher wants concept-driven work. I don't think that's going to work for me. The last time I tried to come up with a concept, and then execute it into something physical, it didn't work out as well as I would have liked because my soul wasn't all that into it. How can I make something the way he wants me to, if I don't want to follow his process?

My idea already has a concept. A good one, and I think it may be the best idea I've gotten lately because I have a concept and an execution all planned out. But I feel like since the concept wasn't there in the beginning, then everybody is basically gonna think that it sucks...

I need to get out of here, that's basically what I'm trying to say. In the end, I think I'm just tired of creating work because someone tells me to do it. I don't want to do that. My heart and soul won't be in it if this is the case. I think that I will make my best work when I'm not doing it for some stupid class, that's trying to teach me how to do it.

I NEED to get out of here. NEED!

I don't know where I'll go. Texas maybe, I think I'd be pretty happy there. I just want to be happy. Is a BFuckingA gonna help me in the future? Sure, it would be nice to have one, and show that I've accomplished something, but will it make me happy? Will it make me a better artist??

One of my teachers, I won't say which one, paints all these abstract blobs and combinations of color, which are supposed to be symbolic of her "maternal" side, or something like that. Am I here to paint abtract little blobs?? Nooooooo... (Not that I have anything wrong with abstract art, or minimalists, I just don't want to do that kind of stuff)

I don't even know why exactly I'm here... I just know that I need to get out. ASAP.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I have this weird feeling. Basically, I feel like my body wants me to cry, but my mind isn't letting it. I have a horrible feeling in my stomach (like a hot air balloon that's expanding and contracting), which seems to have come from out of the blue, and my eyes are just begging me to let them water. My brain feels like it's made out of steel and filled with fuzz, and my expression is blank. What the hell is going on with me????? I really have no idea what this emotion, paired up with this physical sensation, could possibly mean...

edit: it was my period.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When you have a news feed, dyslexia, and babies on the brain.

President Obama started his pregnancy at a full sprint, but in the weeks leading up to Inauguration Day he took some time to have a little fun outside of the office.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beep beep boop beep.

My name in binary is: 01001011 01100001 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100001 00100000 01000110 01101001 01110011 01101000 01100101 01110010

Click here to find out yours!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Toothpaste For Dinner


Friday, January 16, 2009

I <3 QC

I've gotten past the first 1000, just another 300 more, 100 or those which I think I've already read.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fuck you, iTunes!

"This will expire in 24 hours once you start watching it." I decided to try renting a movie on iTunes that I wanted to see, Happy Endings. Since I hadn't seen it, I didn't know if I actually wanted to own it, so I decided to try renting for the first time. It's awful! I was given the impression that I'd have it for 28 days, but once you press play for the first time, it says that it'll expire in 24 hours! :( NEVER rent anything! Unless it's a really bad movie and you KNOW that you're only going to see it just once.

Anyway, Happy Endings was great. My hairdresser wants me to get my hair done like Maggie Gyllenhaal's was in that movie, but I think it might be a little too short for me.

Oh, and the reason I haven't been posting so much in here is that I've started keeping an actual, physical, journal. I've been writing in it everyday since January 1st, and I intend to write in it every day until I die... or run out of pages... by which I'll buy a new journal and go from there. And THAT is how dedicated I am to writing right now, because I know that if I keep writing everyday, I'll keep getting better. Hopefully I won't get worse.

Another update in my life, I am kinda addicted to scented candles right now. Mmmmmmmmmmm... pomegranite-red tea smells sooooo gooooooood...

Anyway, I'm going to write in my REAL blog now. With an actual PEN!! :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why are my feet all tingly all the time?

Don't you wanna come with me? Don't you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It's only natural.
Don’t you wanna swim with me? Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It's only natural.

I'm seeing The Killers on the 20th!! :)

P.S. My boyfriend is so fucking hot.