Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CTA is stealing money?!

"Glitch" in the system? I can read between the lines...

I need this shirt.

Monday, July 28, 2008

As I fall asleep
I can feel your phantom touch
And when I look up at the stars
You are right next to me
Looking up at them too

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"You will soon meet the person you admire."

I've saved up so many fortune cookie fortunes over the years, and it's so fun to read them all at once. :P

I like this one: "You or a close friend will be married within a year."

Hmmmm... anyway... moving on!

I think I can kinda feel one of my wisdom teeth coming in! How exciting! I can't wait to get all three of them taken out already!

And yay dorm shopping! I fell in love with a futon today! It was amazing! :D

Life is good! Life is grand! I have a stomach ache, and don't care!

(For bonus blog post, try reading this post aloud, in the voice of Dr. Zoidberg!)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Haircut

I decided to post pics of my new haircut...

So here they are. It looks better when I dry it and straighten it, but I could only find an old picture of it when it's not styled and pretty.

I got it cut about a week and a half ago, but haven't seen too many people since then, sadly. I wanted to surprise people in person but... okay I'm just going to stop myself now before I start complaining about how no one ever calls me to hang out anyone...

Moving on...

I have TONS of Chicago stories! I got lost on the L today, AND sexually harassed by a crazy homeless man! (Ask me if you wanna hear the full stories.)

If things are this weird now, I can't even begin to imagine how things are gonna be when I'm actually living down there!

I'm so sick of commuting to my art classes already, but the painting and the photography is all worth it! I think. It just makes me really tired when I get home.

But seriously people, where has everyone been? Call me to hang out! I feel like I'm never gonna see anyone ever again for the rest of my life... and that makes me really mopey and sad, and nobody likes a sad and mopey Karina...

The summer's like halfway over and I feel like I haven't seen anyone, and no one has kept in touch.

Monday, July 7, 2008

How Intense

Anyway, so I started my art classes in Chicago, and I am POOPED beyond belief! I walked so much, and I was so tired, that when I got home all I wanted to do was curl up and pull a Rip Van Winkle. So, this has influenced me to consider taking the L to my class for the next 2 weeks. Problem, I've never taken it alone before and have no idea how it works. The pictures on the website look very pretty and colorful, but that doesn't help me know simple things, like which side I have to get on, or how to know which direction the train is going in. It's probably really simple, but what can I say? I'm scared of things when I don't know exactly how they work. And I hear that they're sometimes late and sometimes smelly. I'm trying to save time and energy, so any help would be great. I'd rather take the bus, but google is only giving me subway info. :/

Anyway, the art classes are fun! I'm taking painting and photography. Photography was actually my third choice, I wanted to take drawing... the point of me asking for drawing and painting is because I suck at both of them, and kinda want to get better before I go to SAIC. But photo was still fun, we went to Millennium Park and took some pictures there, and tomorrow we're going to "learn" how to develop our film. Everything is review for me, even though I haven't really done anything for a year, but I still remembered how it all works. In painting, our teacher talked a lot about random things (like how she collects dead birds and paints them) but we didn't really do anything today, we just watched her paint an example. We're going to be using oils, which is weird for me because I'm so used to acrylics. I hope they don't lose my paintings, like SOMEONE did. ::coughcoughTHEARTSCENTERcoughcough:: So yeah, one class I know a lot about already, and one class I somewhat know stuff about, to sum things up. Anyway, time for me to go now and hit the sac, because that sac needs some hittin'.

Sunday, July 6, 2008